Connect with Buyers in a Crowded Hospitality Market by Crafting a More Targeted Approach


Connect with Buyers in a Crowded Hospitality Market by Crafting a More Targeted Approach

The hospitality industry is a nuanced marketplace — especially among bar and restaurant buyers. At one time, you may have been able to secure an elevated position for your brand by simply offering a discount or other perk for the buyer to enjoy. But we all know that’s no longer the case.

Buyers are now faced with constant pressure to maintain their connection with customers while being pitched by multiple brands like yours every day. The question is, what can you do to set your brand apart and resonate with these overloaded buyers?

Simply put: Gifts no longer cut it for buyers — the greatest experience you can offer them is clearly and persuasively illustrating how you’ll deliver value to their business. And to do that, you’ll need to gather intel on the challenges your buyers are facing before presenting your offerings.

In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to tailor your message to buyers and create a personalized offering that suits their needs.
  • Why your marketing needs both on-the-ground knowledge and data to be successful.
  • The value of gathering information about consumer trends and testing their viability for buyers.
  • Key ways the fallout from the pandemic shifted stakeholder behavior at bars and restaurants.
  • How to deliver an educational experience that stands out for buyers.